Monday, January 4, 2010

Marriage and Fighting

I'm actually not referring to Coleton and I. Gracie and Ryker get married almost every day. It's very cute because Gracie likes to get "fancy" and Ryker gets "handsome." Ryker does threaten not to marry her "evah adin" when he is mad at her. (which is quite often) Now that we have Camryn in daycare every day Ryker can be quite busy getting married. He often hurts Gracie's feelings by marrying Camryn and not Gracie. Tears.

So if they're not getting married, they're fighting. One night I couldn't take it anymore. They were separated for the night from 6-8pm. My hope was they would realize it's much more fun to be together than apart and be grateful for each other. I know, pry too advanced for a 3.5 year-old and almost 5 year-old. So they took separate baths, almost had separate dinners (Coleton convinced me family dinner would be good), and separate bedtime routines. I don't think this helped them at all, but, for the night, it helped my sanity. I know they love each other so much, but emotions run high sometimes. I'm trying to let them work out more fights on their own, which works about 25% of the time. These days Gracie is convinced a little sister would make her life so much easier. She's sugggested trading in Ryker for a sister. I'm trying to explain to her it doesn't work that way.

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