Friday, April 25, 2008

Lex and Chad's wedding!

This is us in beautiful, sunny Cancun! We had so much fun and Lex and Chad had an amazingly beautiful wedding! The kids loved playing at the pool and at the beach. Throwing sand was a definite favorite activity. We discovered Ryker LoVeS buses! Can't get enough of them. And Gracie likes when girls wear dresses. One night she told Lexie she liked her hair (which she thinks Lexie should keep long), her dress, and her panties.
It was a truly special vacation for us. On the last plane home, I asked Gracie if she had fun in Mexico. Her reply: "Yes, but I'm not going back. It's too far. You have to ride one bus and two planes!" Agreed, my smart little princess. We should have had a direct flight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great family picture! We miss you guys!

Love Chad and Lex