Monday, February 18, 2008

g-isms (term coined by Lex and Chad)

Okay, here's a few of Gracie's funniest lately before I forget them. While laying in bed between Coleton and I (a spot Gracie is VERY certain is HERS) she said, "Mommy, best fwends forever." I could have melted right there. Except that she followed up with a big hug and kiss and a "you stink." (I probably didn't have the best breath thanks to the earlier eaten cheesy doritos.)

Her and Ryker had a little dispute over raisins. Ryker hit Gracie and I heard Gracie screaming and holding up a hand. She stopped as I walked in. Ryker had to apologize and I asked her if she hit him. "No." Short pause. "But I was finkin' about it."

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